Reserve a Room

Use this form to make room reservations for your events at First Presbyterian Church. Please submit this form at least one week prior to your event.
I understand the following: This form must be completely filled out to request a room reservation. However, completion of this form does not guarantee my reservation. The Church Office will contact me regarding confirmation of my request. *
 Yes, I understand.
Fields marked with a red asterisk are required fields.
Name of person making request:*
Contact person (if different than above):
Phone # (Please include area code): *
Email Address: *
Name of Group:*
Brief Description of Event:*
What room would you like to reserve?*
If an additional room is required, include it here. If more than two rooms are required, please note that in the Comments section at the bottom of this form.
Dates needed (please list each date in a separate box):*
(if you need the room(s) for more than three days, please mention that in the comment box below.)
Event Start Time:*
Event End Time:*
Set-up Start Time:*
Set-up End Time:*
Is the piano in Fellowship Hall needed?*
Note: if yes, please do not remove the cover yourself. Thank you.
Is special set-up required for any of the rooms requested?*
If yes, please complete the information below:
Special Equipment Needed
 Projector (for church-sponsored events only)
 Projection Screen (for church-sponsored events only)
 TV/VCR (for church-sponsored events only)
Insert Additional Comments here:
Childcare Requests: If you would like to request childcare for this event, you must also fill out a Childcare Request Form under Reserve a Room/Schedule an Event on the home page.

