We have two services at First Pres.
- Sunday at 9:00 a.m. our Contemporary Service meets in the Sanctuary and provides a casual worship environment. This service features music from many of today's contemporary Christian artists with the same message as the traditional service.
- Sunday at 10:30 a.m. our Traditional Service meets in the Sanctuary and includes hymns, the chancel choir, organ music, historic confessions and liturgy.
- Following our Sunday morning services we have Calvin's Coffeehouse. See Fellowship below.
Communion, or The Lord’s Supper, is the church’s way to celebrate the community of Jesus Christ and his faithful people. All who follow Christ are welcome at the table. We share this sacrament with the wider Christian Church, believing that all are called to gather together to share the bread and cup in Christ’s name. We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month at both worship services.
We use two formats for serving communion on Sunday mornings.
- During the 9:00 contemporary worship service, we serve communion by "intinction," in which people come forward to dip a piece of bread in a common cup.
- During the 10:30 traditional worship service, we serve by passing plates of bread and trays of individual cups.
Our Church community includes people who are not able to come to worship on a regular basis. We reach out to them by bringing Communion. The Home Bound Communion Guild members have been trained to serve Communion in a variety of settings. If you would like more information or if you are an ordained Presbyterian elder or deacon and you would like to volunteer, please call the church office at 760-757-3560.
OUR CAMPUS (campus map)
The parking lot at First Pres wraps around the entire church.
- The Sanctuary is located close to the northeast corner of the campus right across the driveway from the large grassy area. The best way to enter the church is through the two sets of double doors facing the grass.
Children are always welcome in a worship service but we also have fun activities specially designed just for them. See Campus Map below.
- Childcare: We offer excellent childcare for all children birth through two-years. Ask an usher for directions when you arrive.
- Sunday School for Preschool through 5th grade: At 9:00 children begin worship with their families. Following the Children's Time they are escorted to Sunday School in Rooms 105 (Elementary) and 106 (Preschool). At the 10:30 service children are invited to Rooms 105 and 106 prior to the service.
After Sunday morning services are over, grab some coffee in Fellowship Hall. Ask an usher for directions or follow the crowds.