Student Ministries

Student Ministries

First Presbyterian is committed to helping students meet Christ, build great relationships, and learn how they can make a difference as God’s partners in making this world a blessed place. We undertake this task in partnership with Young Life.


You can learn more about Young Life here. Young Life has been ministering to and with youth since 1941. Mid-week programs currently take place at Generation Church, 1106 Whaley St, Oceanside. 
High School Ministry: Senior High Young Life Club meets at Generation Church on Mondays from 7:17-8:45 p.m. Click here for more information or call Gabby Munoz at 760-672-9841.
Middle School Ministry: Middle School Wyldlife Club meets at Generation Church on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Click here for more information or call Jonna Clark at 760-678-8162.
It is anticipated that in 2015, Young Life will expand its programs to have both these programs utilizing our facilities.
Student Ministry Sunday Bible Study: On Sundays we offer a Youth Bible Study during both the 9:00 and 10:30 services. These sessions are led by Ashley Henrikson. Ashley is also a volunteer with Young Life and can provide more information on activities. Ashley can be emailed here or call her at 760-940-0622.

Young Life Campaigners: All High School kids are invited to a Bible Study every Thursday night through 6/11/2015 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the Youth Lounge above the Gym.

In addition, our church hosts the YoungLives program for teen mothers on the second Thursday of each month. They meet in Fellowship Hall for dinner and activities. For more information visit the Young Lives website. The program is led by Sophia Young who can be reached here.

Contact Ashley here with questions. 
