The Stephen Ministry Mission Statement for First Presbyterian Church Oceanside: Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one confidential ministry by trained and caring Christians who seek to bring Christ's healing love to people who have stresses in their lives. These may include grieving a loss, becoming new parents, divorce, loss of employment, retirement, a faith crisis, illness or loneliness.
First Presbyterian Church of Oceanside has been involved with Stephen Ministry for many years. Over 60 members have attended Stephen Ministry training. We have a lasting lay commitment to caring. Our congregation as a whole is growing in warmth and love. People receiving the caring and support experience an increased closeness and involvement with our church. Stephen Ministers experience personal growth and enrichment of their own lives.
Stephen Ministry is...
- A lay caring ministry in which one person reaches out to another in time of need.
- An ongoing helping relationship in which people in need get help.
- Meaningful ways for us to more fully use our talents in sharing one another's burdens and joys.
- A religious and educational system of training and organization, which is already working in many congregations throughout the country.
- A ministry named after Stephen, the first deacon in the early church.
Stephen Ministers help people who are...
- Grieving the loss of a loved one.
- Lonely.
- Depressed.
- Separated or in the process of divorce.
- Dying, as well as families of those who are terminally ill.
- Experiencing loss of job or financial setbacks.
- Struggling with their faith in God.
Here’s the website link for Stephen Ministry
Do you need a Stephen Minister? Contact Wanda Downer at bwdowner@coxnet or Pastor Liz at the Church Office
Interested in Serving as a Stephen Minister? If you have an interest in Stephen Ministry, speak with Pastor Liz. An application can be downloaded here. Download, complete and return this form to one of the Stephen Leaders.
If you have any questions, please contact the Church Office at 760-757-3560